Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Women of Faith

Last weekend I went to my third "Women of Faith" conference. If you haven't been to one, I highly recommend it. Check it out…they could be in a city near you soon! :)

I loved how this weekend worked out. I needed a little time to myself (so I chose to spend it with thousands of women and the very few men that were there!) and I had hardly given the conference a thought because I didn't think I could afford it. Well, last week I discovered I might possibly be able to swing it, so I looked up the theme of the conference online. It was "Imagine" based on Ephesians 3:20 (look it up!). It's one of my favorite verses, and since God has given me a creative side, I love both expressing it, and being encouraged to do so.

I spent the first part of the session of Friday by myself soaking everything in like a sponge…thoroughly enjoying it. I found a great seat, row one in the stands, and about six feet from the woman that translated for the deaf that attended. That was one of the many highlights for me. There is something very beautiful about the worship songs being signed, so expressive!

One thing I love about this conference is that the stage area is called “The Porch”. And, that’s exactly what it feels like. The speakers get up and share, and their stories and lives are so easy to relate to that it feels like you could easily sit on the porch with them talking about anything and everything.

The speakers covered the subject of “Imagine” so well. They touched on areas like finding your strengths, making them more prominent in your life, expressing your God-given self even through tragedy and hurts, encouraging your kids in their abilities, and more. God gives us strengths, abilities, and talents for a REASON; they should not be hidden away. I like what one of the speakers (Marcus Cunningham) said regarding personal strengths, “Use it. Claim it. Contribute it.” Everyone wins when you use your strengths and talents. And, when you use them to lift God high, he does more with them than we could ever imagine.

When the afternoon session was over, I went over to GCU to pick up Alyssa so she could attend the rest of the conference with me. The day session was open seating, and evening and Saturday’s are the seats you pay for. I don’t know why I didn’t buy the seats at the end of the row! I even thought of it when I was selecting my seats online. For me, it’s key, because I can tend to feel claustrophobic when I feel closed in. Alyssa and I had the third and fourth seats into the row, and when the two women sat down in the first two seats, I told Alyssa, “We gotta move.” She gave me a look, and I decided to stay put and give this claustrophobia a run for its money. Yeah, I get through it! Lol.

Lisa Harper spoke during that evening session. She is such a great speaker and a great story teller. I must confess that for a short part of her talk, I instead listened to the woman behind me. I didn’t want to listen to the woman behind me, but she made herself very audible! Long story short, somebody coming into the row bumped the (glass) bottle of tea the woman had, and it fell. Then the woman made it a point to let the other woman (and us because the commotion caught our attention) know that this was a $5.00 bottle of tea that just broke. All the while, I was disappointed my attention wasn’t focused on Lisa Harper. The ridiculous thing about this exchange, though, was that this bottle of tea was fermented! It STUNK! Fortunately we had just a few minutes more until break, and I scanned the arena looking for open seats. We found great ones three rows from stage. For the rest of Friday evening, and most of Saturday, this is where Alyssa and I sat. It was great!

There were a few times during the conference where God must’ve stopped the goings on of Heaven and told everyone to look and listen (that’s what I think anyway :). When Natalie Grant sang “It Is Well”, and the audience spontaneously responded and sang with her on the chorus, she held her arms open wide and received the blessing of that, tears running down her cheeks. It was beautiful, both the sound of the voices, and watching her being ministered to. And, I know God must have been smiling wide when the six year old daughter of one of the singers from “Mary Mary” got up on stage and sang, while playing with the tassels on her dress, “God Bless America”. What a great voice!!! And, huge loads of cuteness!

So anyway, to wrap this up, if you have never been, go! I wish I could have instantly memorized lots of what the speakers said. You’ll enjoy it. And, just a tip…the arena sells bottles of water for $5.00, but Starbucks on site sells grande pumpkin spice lattes for $4.75! It’s like striking gold!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Entirely faithful...

I read a verse this morning that really reflects how I feel. The second part of Psalm 89:8, "Where is there anyone as mighty as you, O Lord? You are entirely faithful."
No matter how difficult some days have been in the last few months and even couple years, I've seen God's goodness in them too. I am convinced that there is nothing God can't touch, heal, help, speak calmness to, and strengthen. He is faithful every day.

Becky started high school this year, which means she just completed the junior high years. Yep, they were filled with the things junior high is filled with...friendship problems, drama, peer pressure, choices, homework stresses, etc...and yet, through her difficult times I saw God working in her life. There is nothing so beautiful and great to watch as this. It's my favorite part of being a parent.

When her freshman year started, at a new school, with new people, I prayed that God would give her a good friend (or two), that like her, even in the midst of all the struggles, temptations, setbacks and triumphs that life and school presents, is growing in their relationship with Christ. So when the first day came that I dropped her off in front of the school, I watched her walk up the school's front sidewalk, guitar in one hand, and her bright yellow backpack slung across her back. I had one of those moments where I knew I was letting her go, and at the same time, waiting with faith to see how God would answer my prayer for her. And by the way, one of my favorite parts of my mornings is watching her walk into school with her guitar and yellow backpack...she is so cool! :)

I could see from day one or two that God heard my prayer. He answered even more than I prayed. He is such a WOW factor for me...I love seeing him work! Becky told me that there is a group of kids from school that go to a church in Phoenix called "Catalyst" (http://ignitephx.com/). She sat with them at lunch and after a couple more days she told me that she wanted to check out their youth group at their church. Well, we are used to driving a distance to church, and this is just about as far in the other direction...lol. I don't mind, though, and I am convinced that God wants us to be united with other believers.

We took Becky and a friend of hers to Catalyst's youth group service a few Sunday nights ago. Jim, Heidi, and I walked in with them since they didn't know anyone and we were a couple minutes late. Right away a youth group leader showed them a place to sit, and another leader asked if we wanted to hang out. We sat in the back and thoroughly enjoyed what we saw...the fellowship of knowing Christ is good anywhere! For now, Becky wants to go every other Sunday night since she likes going to youth group at our church in Anthem on Sunday nights, too. Totally okay with me!

Which brings me to yesterday and today... yesterday when I picked her up after school, she told me that right after I dropped her off yesterday morning, a couple of her friends from Catalyst asked if she wanted to meet with them at the pole for prayer. I could tell from the way she was telling me that she was glad she did. Even though, when she looked around her, kids were pointing and laughing at them. It was obvious she and her friends were praying. But, for me, the best part of the conversation with Becky was when she told me, "It made me happy." God says if you lay down your life for His sake, you will find yours. I think this is the truth what Becky experienced yesterday.

She told me that they were meeting for prayer again this morning in the same place. I was curious to know which pole in the school yard she was talking about. When we drove up this morning, she pointed it out to me. This pole is right beside the main sidewalk and closest to the front doors of the school. Every student passes within three feet of that pole there when going into school every morning. I am so excited by Becky's courage, her friends' courage, and about their deepening, real relationship with the One that offers life at its best! God is so faithful...I can't wait to see how God keeps answering my prayer.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Mama's baby grew up to be an excited college student.

What a weekend...and I'm including last Thursday in that! The time finally came...Alyssa is officially a student at Grand Canyon University, a happy and excited student. As much as it is hard to let her go, it does a heart good to see your child fully embrace what she's facing.

We got the car packed up before 7a.m. last Thursday so we could drop Becky off to school on the way to GCU. Each step was bittersweet for me...packing, watching Alyssa and Heidi hug goodbye, taking a picture of Alyssa and Becky outside Becky's school, stopping for coffee with Alyssa...ahhh! My tears want to spill just thinking about it.

Here's Alyssa with her coffee :)

I had no idea there could be so many tidbits of advice to give in the twenty-five minute drive there. I wonder how many other parents crammed in all the last bits of advice like I did. We covered safety, relational issues, studies, etc!

I am so impressed with GCU. From the moment we drove onto campus and throughout the day, the staff and students were so helpful! We never felt lost or wondered what to do next. They do communicating very well!

We waited in a long line outside to get Alyssa's room assignment. It's August...translate that to a typically hot, sunshiny, muggy day! I know someone prayed for good weather (and later on, I found out I was right)! It was still warm, but overcast, and while we waited in line, it rained hard! We loved it. In AZ, that makes for a perfect summer day. We just happened to be standing behind someone who picked up the big umbrella that GCU provided, and he carried it as the line moved along. I'm not talking a small, handheld umbrella... this was one of the big, semi-stationary ones. Yeah, I wasn't going to stop him. My hair was getting flat, and we stood under it with him! ;)

We eventually made it to the front of the line, which put us at the table where a GCU student handed Alyssa her dorm room assignment. My heart instantly went into a tug-of-war battle as she took the papers. It is difficult to let go!! Fortunately that battle was a private one in my heart, and I didn't reach across the table handing the papers back! ;) So far so good, no tears spilled yet that morning.

We got to the dorm, walked to the second floor, and found Alyssa's room, with her name on the wall outside of it. That's when I lost it. It sank in...her new home! Outside of mine. Even though I knew this was as it should be, that just didn't feel right! Hugs all around!

The day was good. I helped Alyssa get moved in, there were parent meetings, and one of the best times of the day was the Invocation service. GCU is a Christian university, and to listen to the faculy speak from their hearts about caring for the students was awesome. Also awesome was the worship led by "The Gathering", which is the student worship band at GCU. There is something about coming together and praising our great God that feels so good and right. It is a great way to start out the school year. I know God will do a masterpiece of work among the students there this year.

Alyssa wanted to go to a university that didn't make students fill out a statement of faith. I really respect that. She and I both know that wherever you attend, perfection isn't to be found. She wanted to be with believers and non-believers, though, to have more opportunity to share Jesus. This is what I love about GCU...nothing is forced on the students, attendance at chapels and worship services attendance isn't required, no dress code, etc. The faculty loves the Lord, and they intend on showing that to the students. I've seen it every time I've been on campus. There are Christian student leaders on every floor of the dorm. They offer a small group for whoever would like to attend. There are opportunities for service, worship, etc. I think the leadership at GCU has the heart of Jesus...they really care about the students eternal well-being, and have extended an invitation to the students to know Jesus. I am so excited to see how God works this year.

Enjoy your year, Alyssa...your family loves you very much!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Well, THAT was a first!

Even though I had a hint this was coming, it still took me by surprise. Last night, to still Becky's cries (this is what she posted on Facebook yesterday, "Phone!Phone! Neeed my phone! Mommmy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol"), and in order to fully satisfy my list for the day of "To Do" things, I did the dreaded item of calling Sprint to activate a different phone for Becky because hers broke. Heidi got a new phone for her birthday so I activated her old one. I hate making these phone calls...it's just a hassle. (Two tries to get through to the operator, which means two phone calls, and more than a few menu options...yes, the conveniences we have are a hassle :). When I got through to the operator, we went through all the normal account questions, and then she asked me to take the battery out of the phone so I could read the serial number to her. No problem. No, wait...it was a problem. No matter how hard I squinted I just couldn't tell if I was looking at a 6 or an 8... I asked the operator to hold on, then asked Heidi to read the string of numbers out loud. The 6 or the 8 I had been trying to decipher was actually a 5. And the 3 was an 8.
Okay, I admit it...I could be aging a little! That was kind of a rude awakening. I can see (clearly) for the first time that reading glasses are in my immediate future. I'm sorry, Hon, for rolling my eyes at you when you couldn't read the restaurant menu...I totally get it now (but, could you please remember to bring your glasses next time? I may need them!). Lol. It really is quite a helpless feeling when you can't see the print in front of you. I felt even more helpless when I asked the Sprint operator to hold on, and, without success, frantically looked around for your reading glasses! Glad Heidi was next to me :). And, Becky's glad because she has a working phone. Let the texting commence!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tonight, tomorrow, and...

...then Thursday will come (most likely!!), the day that Alyssa moves into her dorm at GCU. We have been having a really good time getting ready...shopping, going through pictures and taking them to Walmart to have them printed out. Walmart does such a great job with their photo printing and the photo machines (I know these are called a different name!) are fun to use. Alyssa has made a 16x20 poster, an 11x14 collage, a few 8x10 collages, and some prints of various pictures. And, the prices are so reasonable!
Some of the pictures we came across have been so cute...like Libby when she was a puppy. And even cuter, Becky holding her!

Another picture we printed was one of all three girls with Cindy. It was taken after their piano recital. We ended up printing 4 of them...a 4x6 for each of the girls, and a 5x7 for me. I love this picture...my girls...Cindy...all so beautiful. It is a really nice way to remember Cindy.

It's bittersweet to get help Alyssa get ready for college, but I am so excited for her. And, excited that she's excited. I am thrilled that she will be experiencing so many new things, and independently! It's really cool to see her so confident about it.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Taking the time...

...to write. I'm thinking this should be as regular for me as exercise should be! Yeah, now you have a hint as to how disciplined I am at it.
This is going to be a milestone week, and I am flooded with emotions over it. Alyssa is moving into her dorm, starting college, this Thursday, August 26th. I am so excited for all the opportunities that she will face, I'm a little nervous (any Mom must wonder, "Did I teach them how to handle all the situations they will come up against??"), and I'm more than a little sad. Wow! Childhood passes so quickly.
I look up to Alyssa. She has been an amazing example of discipline to me, her MOM. :) If her discipline were to be displayed physically, she would be winning top prizes at fitness competitions...she would be ripped! :)
God has blessed me with my heart's desire. I am watching my kids grow in the knowledge and goodness of Christ. There is nothing else I want more. I love seeing God at work in each of my kids...He knows just how to reach them and teach them. He is creating individual masterpieces. My prayer is that my kids would continue to be more and more open to him...the all perfect friend, father, comfort, truth.
On another note, I have been thinking the last couple days about what kinds of things pierce darkness. What gives light to dark times? I could write a long list of ways that God has lit up my dark times over the years. Recalling his goodness. But, I don't think God wants us to just recall it and keep it for ourselves...he wants us to share the light that He gives us, to realize that's where satisfaction lies. It's all about giving it away.
Heidi wasn't feeling good this morning...her allergies make her feel sick at times. But I sent her to school anyway. It may seem a little trivial, but for her that is a dark time, having to go to school feeling stuffed up and blah! After giving her more allergy meds, it felt perfect and satisfying to pray with her and invite God to be with her today.
And now...it's time to get this Monday morning "crack-a-lackin'", as Alyssa would say :)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Discipline & Its Harvest

Don't forget the encouraging words God speaks to you as his children. He says,
"My child, don't make light of the Lord's discipline. Don't reject it. Don't be upset and give up when he corrects you. For the Lord disciplines and corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights."
As you endure this divine discipline, remember that God is treating you as his own children. The Lord our God disciplines us for our own good. Since we respected our earthly fathers who disciplined us, shouldn't we submit even more to the discipline of the Father of our spirits, and live forever? His discipline is good, for it leads to life and health.
For our earthly fathers disciplined us for a few years, doing the best they knew how. But God's discipline is always good for us, so that we might share in his holiness. No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening-it's painful! It always feels like it is going against the grain. But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.
May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation-the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ- for this will bring much glory and praise to God.This righteousness will bring peace. Yes, it will bring quietness and confident trust forever.
The Kingdom of God is a matter of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. If you serve Christ with this attitude, you will please God, and others will approve of you, too.
So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Look straight ahead with purpose, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Don't get sidetracked; consider well the path of your feet. Let all your ways be established and ordered aright. Keep your feet from following evil. Mark this straight path for your feet so that those (yours and others) who are weak and lame will not fall and be disabled. Rather, they will become healed and strong, instead of getting worse.

Hebrews 12:5-7,9-13, Proverbs 3:11-12, Deuteronomy 8:5, Isaiah 38:16, Philippians 1:11, Isaiah 32:17, Romans 14:17, Proverbs 4:25-27

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Loving quiet times these summer mornings....

...the house is so quiet! I've been reading Hebrews and feel like I need to soak it in more so I don't forget what's there.

Hebrews 12:1-2 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses whose lives tell us what faith means, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily, deftly, and cleverly trips us up, clings to and entangles us. And let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the race God has set before us. Let's never give up. (*Run to win! Run with purpose in every step. Look away from all distractions. Press on. Forget the past and look forward to what lies ahead...your heavenly prize through Christ Jesus.) We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus.
*1 Corinthians 9:24,26, Philippians 3:13-14

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

It's gonna be okay...

Last night, my family and I went to see the movie "Letters to God". I really needed that. I love spending time with my family, and in the light of us all losing both a family member and a friend this last month, we needed this.

The movie may have had a bit of corny acting, but the message of the movie rang with truth, it was hope-filled, and it shone light in a dark place...Jesus' name was lifted high in the midst of the tragedy of cancer. I needed to hear that. I needed to hear a holy perspective, and I needed my kids to hear that, too. Lucky for me, my kids liked the movie ;)

The movie did exactly what Cindy did in real life. God's name was honored and put where it should be - lifted up! Like the boy in the story, Cindy suffered a lot. But, in the midst of the suffering, in their earthly jars of clay, they let God shine. I like to picture a cracked pot that lets light shine through...to me, that's a comforting image.

They were warriors, fighting, to give God the victory. I needed my kids to have that example reinforced in their hearts and minds. The characters in this movie, and even more, Cindy, did that. They demonstrated love for their Savior, and showed that it was more important than anything else. They battled to lift His name high, and draw others to it.

This morning, Steve, the person that feels the loss of Cindy even more than we do, got up and gave his message at church. Through tears and grief, he spoke about losing his beautiful bride Cindy, and not only did he speak about his loss, but he spoke about having faith NOW. That He was going to face this battle of loss with Jesus, and not without Him.

I cried tears again this morning, but like last night, these are hopeful tears. I know I'm going to be okay. I have seen in the past God's care for me, and I am going to ride out this loss with Him. I know He is going to be His unchanging self, and love me through this one too. And, after all this, if I cling to Jesus? I know I will love Him more. From deep in my heart, I give Him my worship...I delight to give it to Him. He is so faithful.

On a closing note, the wind was blowing today and it caused curtains near the ceiling in the auditorium to move and let more light in at times during the service. I loved that. Even through the darkness of grieving, light comes in, and is a perfect and timely gift given by God. I felt God's presence there this morning.

One other thing I needed last night...the girls sat in the row behind us, and no sooner had they sat down, the food fight started... love my goofy kids!

It's gonna be okay...God is faithful. Once again, I can see that.

Friday, April 23, 2010

All in a day's time...

Today has been a full day! I want to write about it before this forgetful mind files it away into a lost file!
First of all, today was my Grandma's memorial service. I couldn't make it to Vancouver to be there, and my heart has been in kind of a tender,missing her spot today. My dad asked me to write a few things about her so that he could read it at her service. Here are my thoughts about my Godly Grandma...
"When I think about Grandma, or more affectionately, Gram, the first thing that comes to mind is her faithful prayers for her grandchildren. She has taught me about God's power in prayer as there were days I'm certain I could feel her prayers being lifted for me.
What also comes to mind is the love she had for all her grandchildren. She cared about how we were doing and her letters reflected that. She loved honesty in our response to her concern, and didn't want well-crafted answers! She cared about our well-being, our marriages, and for her precious great-grandchildren.
Enjoying the simple things with her was easy, whether it was a walk in the garden looking at the flowers, playing a good game of Scrabble, or sitting with her while the kids performed for her at the piano. She knew how to take pleasure in these times...I will miss her beautiful smile and her soft chuckle.
Grandma, you carried yourself with dignity and grace. I can imagine that you were ushered into heaven in the same manner. Thank you for your love that was so genuinely expressed to us. Heaven will be a sweet reunion...until then I want to carry on some of the qualities that were so beautifully you!"
With Gram's memorial service in the back of my mind, I went on about my day. I think God was watching out for me in extra measure today. Today, quite possibly, has been one of my favorite Fridays that I have spent with Alyssa this school year (she has Fridays off from school). She is a great conversationalist, easy to hang out with, and is growing into quite an impressive, young woman!
Alyssa and I joined Jim for lunch today at a cool little deli, Cheese N Stuff, near his office. Jim had been telling me how great this place was, and it lived up to every bit of his description and then some! The sandwiches were absolutely wonderful. I knew as soon as I walked into the place that I would love it. The fresh deli-meats smelled good, and the atmosphere brought back memories of eating at little delicatessens in Germany. It's a small deli. The only tables are three picnic-sized tables spaced a little bit apart. The feeling of eating together with others created a really relaxed atmosphere. Behind the tables, shelves were lined with jellies, crackers, and drinks, many from Europe. It was fun to pick jars and bottles up to read the labels of what exactly they were. This is a must-visit-again place!
When the lunch hour was up, Alyssa and I dropped Jim off at work, then went to the state capitol building in downtown Phoenix. Governor Jan Brewer signed a state law today that would enforce stricter immigration laws. There has been lots of protesting (and some support) going on at the capitol building, so Alyssa and I went to go have a look. For me, an issue sinks in more when I can see it instead of just reading about it. In Alyssa's government class at school the students and teacher have been having discussions on this current event.
We found parking easily, and then walked over to the grounds of the state capitol building. There were many news truck, helicopters hovering overhead, a huge police presence, many protesters, and a few supporters. Both the protesters and supporters of this new bill were passionate in their stances. Emotion levels were high...lots of anger, shouting, and some tears. The few supporters of the bill were rounded up inside an area taped off with yellow police tape, and heavily guarded with police and even volunteer security people that were protesters against the bill.
I don't have a particular stance on this issue. I know there are problems on both sides and this problem took a long time to create. It will take a long time to fix, if ever. What really hit me is that we live in a FREE country, and this type of protesting is not allowed in many other countries. I am thankful for my freedom. It is a huge blessing to live in a free country where opinions and beliefs can be freely expressed.
Another thing that touched my heart is that one day, and it will only happen when we are spending eternity in heaven, we will all live at peace with one another! What a wonderful atmosphere that will be! To think that peoples from every nation will be united, bowing in adoration to our Almighty God, our heavenly Father...wow...I can't wait.
On a totally different note, Heidi has been asking for pet rats for some time now. This week, she and I did a lot of research on them...I love the internet!! I have never wanted rats....never...ugh! After my reading, though, I have come to think that these little animals have possibilities! They are smart, love people, can be trained, and are fun to watch. I think what really got me was one internet site that said, "You know you have found a loving rat when it will lick your hand." Weird, because I look at that sentence now and think, "That's really gross!". Not too many worries, though, because they are supposed to be really clean animals. Blah, blah, blah.
We now have two female, baby rats! When Alyssa and I got home from observing the protest, we picked Heidi and Becky up from school, and went to see the rat owner that I found on Craigslist this morning. Heidi was so excited! She named her babies Isabelle and Jayde. I have already caught her calling Isabelle, "Izzy"!
I am proud of how far her thirty dollars in allowance money went...two rats, a nice cage from the thrift store, a bag of cat food (for the rats!), and cage supplies! Jim has warmed up to the rats, and right now is building a Legos sleeping quarters for them with Heidi. Designers at work!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Sometimes it's just a statement I need....or, even part of a statement. Yesterday it was "There is wonderful joy ahead", and today it was "As for God, His way is blameless." These statements settled down into my heart and made a difference in my days.

It is difficult not having Cindy here, but these statements ENCOURAGE me. God is wonderful in the things that He has promised. He is wonderful in WHO he is. He is wonderful in His provision. These statements make my heart worship him even more. I don't have to understand the why's...I just need more of God. He is what I need. And, He is sufficient. Thank you, God.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wonderful Joy

I read the following verse this morning-

There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. I Peter 1:6-7 (NLT)

I was looking for a little encouragement this morning, and came across this verse. All I needed really was the first sentence of it, but I can feel the whole truth of the verse taking place. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to endure many trials for a little while. THAT is encouraging...knowing there is great joy ahead... In fact, it makes my joy run a little deeper right now. Thanks, God!