Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Well, THAT was a first!

Even though I had a hint this was coming, it still took me by surprise. Last night, to still Becky's cries (this is what she posted on Facebook yesterday, "Phone!Phone! Neeed my phone! Mommmy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol"), and in order to fully satisfy my list for the day of "To Do" things, I did the dreaded item of calling Sprint to activate a different phone for Becky because hers broke. Heidi got a new phone for her birthday so I activated her old one. I hate making these phone's just a hassle. (Two tries to get through to the operator, which means two phone calls, and more than a few menu options...yes, the conveniences we have are a hassle :). When I got through to the operator, we went through all the normal account questions, and then she asked me to take the battery out of the phone so I could read the serial number to her. No problem. No, was a problem. No matter how hard I squinted I just couldn't tell if I was looking at a 6 or an 8... I asked the operator to hold on, then asked Heidi to read the string of numbers out loud. The 6 or the 8 I had been trying to decipher was actually a 5. And the 3 was an 8.
Okay, I admit it...I could be aging a little! That was kind of a rude awakening. I can see (clearly) for the first time that reading glasses are in my immediate future. I'm sorry, Hon, for rolling my eyes at you when you couldn't read the restaurant menu...I totally get it now (but, could you please remember to bring your glasses next time? I may need them!). Lol. It really is quite a helpless feeling when you can't see the print in front of you. I felt even more helpless when I asked the Sprint operator to hold on, and, without success, frantically looked around for your reading glasses! Glad Heidi was next to me :). And, Becky's glad because she has a working phone. Let the texting commence!

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