Friday, March 25, 2011

Coffee-Toffee Frosty

I've walked eleven days in a row now and absolutely love the Cardio Trainer app, by the way!! For one thing, the icon is cute and easy to spot on my phone ;)
It looks like this....
Last time I exercised eleven days in a row, I fell off the wagon on day twelve, day thirteen, and the tens of days afterwards! But, Cardio Trainer is helping me to stay motivated so I'm pretty sure that when day twelve hits tomorrow (Lord willing!), I will be quite happy to go on the planned hike with my brother, which is up the side of a cactus-filled mountain above his neighborhood. Lord, keep us safe, please! :)

Back to Cardio trainer... it keeps a calorie medal on my phone's task bar. It's fun to see a bigger number each time the workout is finished. Right now it's at 1500. It also keeps track of the distance I've walked, which is at 21 miles now!

Which brings me to this Coffee-Toffee Frosty from Wendy's that I'm eating, enjoying, and sa-vor-ing right at this moment.... I DESERVE IT! Twenty-one miles, after all! There- that's my point ;). (I'm a sucker for these Frosties.)

I'm really enjoying the walks. It's a good time to pray, even out loud. It's a good time to listen to God. And, I thoroughly enjoy His creation, whether it be the cool breeze, the woodpeckers pecking high up on the palms, the doves sitting on the cool, wet grass, or even Libby, who has gotten very good about staying beside me even when a rabbit or a cat begs a chase!


Claire said...

I like writing letters to God! Math is REALLY mundane and I use the time to improve my art skills and talk to God.

I want one of those frosties.

Lisaliuuu said...

I like writing letters to Him, too! I haven't done that for awhile, but I've found it's a great way to pray.

I'm going to follow your blog.

I want to get more in the habit of writing in mine.