Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Alyssa and her good friend, Sarah are at separate schools this year. It was hard knowing they would be separated, but I trust that God is going to work powerfully in each of them this school year. I just wrote in a card for Sarah..and I'm not bragging by any means or tooting my own horn. I wanted to encourage her and so I poured out my heart to her in the card. But what is really cool is that I am encouraged and my spirits are lifted. Because when you love another and encourage a person in their walk with God, it makes your own stronger. God truly is a light that cuts through any dark place. I feel blessed by His presence. And, I kinda needed that today. I have so much that needs to be done right now, but I have a sore and swollen foot that I think needs a rest this morning, so I have it on ice and elevated. I didn't want to do it, but the throbbing kind of demanded it! But, because of God, this has turned out to be a really hour.

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