Thursday, July 3, 2008

One of the phrases in a devotional I read today jumped out at me. It said, "One way to weaken your doubts is by strengthening your faith in God." Sometimes we don't see God work until we really step out and follow Him...get our feet wet like the Israelites did when they crossed the Jordan at floodstage (Joshua 3..I really like that passage in my Bible!). By human reasoning, they certainly had reasons to doubt...who would walk through a river even if it wasn't at flood stage? But God told them He would make a dry path. He wants us to get our eyes off the circumstances and onto Him, to be aware of His presence and HIS possibilities. He takes our willingness to trust and obey and does His great work. He calms our fears and give us peace that passes understanding, and we find out once again after we've acted on our faith in Him that He is completely trustworthy.

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